I have to put these stories of the kids down before I forget them. They are almost always full of humor---though they are unaware of all of it right now. :)
On Christmas morning, Jo, Mandy's mom, opened a gift that looked like an antique phone, but was really a fun little light. M-G, after watching "Nene" ooh and aah and giggle and play with the phone/light, said in her sweet little voice, "Oh!!! It's like one of those old things from the bad days!!!"
E is our biggest talker. He will just keep going and going and going, not even aware that the

"Wait a minute, E. I thought you were going to count to 100."
"I did," E replied. "I was counting by tens!"
Last night during supper, D-D, E and Dana were all sitting on the bench, Dana sitting in the middle. D-D began saying, "I'm saw-wee Daddy!...Saw-wee daddy!! I said, SAW-we. Sah-ah-ah-aw--WE, DadDY!!!"
"Dana, D-D is telling you she's sorry about something," said Dana's mom. Dana had been talking with his dad and was oblivious to the antics of his youngest daughter at this moment.
"Excuse me, D-D," he said. "You are forgiven, but what are you sorry for?"

"I poked you wif my fwork."
"I didn't even feel it," he laughed. "Did you do it on purpose?"
"Yeth. I did it on poypus."
"Do you know what 'on purpose' means?"
"Yeth. It means spankin'."
"That's right D-D," said Gi-Gi, hard-pressed to contain her laughter. "When you do something on purpose like that, to you it means you get a spanking."
I do not have any funny stories about Z right now---he just likes to gurgle and laugh and giggle and try to roll from his back to his tummy (he is almost there!)...and fill his diaper. ugh!
Oh, wait!!! While at Nene's and Poppa's house, Mandy was feeding Z his supper.

No one would have known about this fiasco---all of the family being at Wed. night church services (Z was extremely fussy that night)---but his cousin had fallen asleep during Bible class and Scott had just brought him home. So there was a witness to this juggling act.
Though Mandy's hair is not red right now, she can still be called "Carrot-top."