Since we have moved, we have come to appreciate other people's garbage.
On our first week here, Dana found a relatively nice desk in someone's trash pile which is now in our office here at home. A few weeks later, a neighbor saw someone's train table in their garbage and brought it to us (this was taken apart and hidden away for the kids' Merry Christmas!!!). We also received a swing set near the middle of autumn. A little after that, someone threw out a ping-pong table. Yes, it was broken right down the middle, but with a very handy husband, this was not a problem, and now we have a fun and very nice ping-pong table. And, just yesterday, a neighbor put at the curb a huge, colossal television set. Dana talked to the man who was setting it at the curb and the man said that it had been in a room for two years and not turned on because the wording at the bottom of the screen "glowed." He said that we could have it if we wanted. So.....

we wanted.
We still have not discovered what the "glow" is.