This past mother's day, E was trying to tell a joke on the way home. Our very fun neighbor had taught it to him and he was trying it out.
E: Jack and Me-Jack were sitting in a boat, Me-Jack fell out, who was left?
MG: Jack.
E: NO. LISTEN! Jack and Me-Jack were sitting in a boat, ME-JACK fell out...who was left?
MG: Jack!
E: NOOOOOOO!!! (giggle, giggle) I SA-A-A-A-I-D...Jack and Me-Jack were sitting in a boat, Me-Jack fell out, who was left?
MG: If Me-Jack falls out, then Jack is left
E: I didn't say Me-Jack fell out! I said that (he pauses while thinking through his joke)---oh!! Ooops!!! I'll try it again...
Dana and I are chucklingDad: E, It is supposed to be Pete and Re-Pete. ... Do you know what repeat means?
E: Do you know what repeat means?
Dad: I guess you do!
E: I guess you do!
Mom: It's Pete and Re-Pete
E: Pete and Re-Pete were sitting a boat, they both fall out. Who is left?
MG: No-one is left!
E: NO!!! Listen!!! Pete and Re-Pete were sitting in a boat. THEY BOTH fall out!! WHOOOOO is left?
MG: If they both fall out, then no one is left!
E: Ooops!!! (giggle, giggle) Pete and Re-Pete were sitting in a boat. Who is left?
MG: E!!!!!!! You didn't say the whole joke!!!
E: (pausiing for thought and then) hee-hee-hee! OK!!! Pete and Re-Pete were sitting in a boat. Pete falls out! Who is left?
(Dana and I are near exhaustion from laughing at this interchange between the siblings)MG: (in a "Finally!!" tone of voice)Re-Pete
E: Nope!!! An Octopus!!! Re-Pete is a transformer!!!!!!! Baaaaaaaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!
!!!!!! Oh, brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!