I have refrained from posting every comment as they happen, but am hoping to share with you a few of our funny moments (at least those that I remember---or have remembered to write down):
November 9, 2009: A conversation between D-D and her older brother E: D-D told all of us that she wanted to put some "instruments" on the tree. "We do not have any instruments...and what tree?" we asked. After some more questions we realized she wanted to get Christmas out of the attic and start decorating the Christmas tree.
E , once he realized what she meant by "instruments" said, "It's not 'instruments' D-D... it's ORDERmints!"
November 8, 2009: Compliments of D-D: My kids like to eat at "Jason's Jelly" (instead of Jason's Deli)
November 22, 2009: Z had on two RIGHT shoes on this day (Sunday)...the exact same shoes, but different sizes (one 6.5, the other 7). No one can ever say that he has two left feet!!!
December 10, 2009: E to D-D, "It's the man of steel!!!" To which D-D's superhero exclaims, "Hey! I am not! I don't steal things!!!"
January 2, 2010: "Daddy, you look like Dave from Alvin and the Chick-mungs!" ~~~D-D
January 7, 2010: School was canceled due to the prediction of snow and though there was no snow accumulation, her children still tried to make snow-angels in the grass!
January 10, 2010: E butchered the song "Listen To Our Hearts"...for example: "how do you complain...how do you survive...a love that goes from the rest...and is as big as it is wide?" The funniest part is that he has no IDEA he is messing it up!
January 15, 2010: While D-D was eating eating her sucker, it made a funny noise in her mouth and she giggled and said, "Mom!! Dat sock-air just tew-ted in my mouth!"
January 16, 2010: After 20 minutes of crying over having to eat soup for supper, D-D said, "It's just that soup always gives me a headache...and a surgery!" When trying to explain that it was all the crying she did whenever we had soup that gave her the headache, she thought about it for a few seconds and then replied, "Nnnnope. It's the soup!"
January 17, 2010: E's great (as in BIG) Bible misquote of the day: "Proverbs 18: 24...there is a friend who stinks gross-er than a brother!"
Date Unknown: "Goldfish live in fwesh wahh-tair...shahhks live in shahhky wahh-tair." ~~D-D
January 25, 2010: My niece got a limousine ride as her big birthday present, and when the limo driver picked them up from the pizza parlor, he had stocked the refrigerator full of soda pop for all of the birthday party friends. After drinking some of her soda, one of my niece's little friends said, "Limo pop tastes SOOOOO much better than regular pop!!!!"
February 1, 2010: D-D informs me that she knows there are two types of buses: (1) LONG buses, and (2) FAT buses.
February 2, 2010: D-D found a new way to say "oops"...:..."YIKES-EEE-DAISY!"
February 5, 2010: Little Z says "Me-Me" for "Excuse me" and what sounds like "Money" for "Please give me a snack, preferably junk food, and MAKE. IT. SNAPPY. !!!"
February 11, 2010: I was made to come to the realization that I use too many "..." when D-D, who doesn't know how to write words yet, writes letters and puts "..." in between every few. For example: "MQOOPB...DBBEbbOPR...eeQPSsTrebNNP."
March 31, 2010: D-D has some plastic mermaids that she loves to have with her in the tub, along with a plastic non-mermaid girl. Each figure has its hair, fins, shells, clothes and accessories painted on. While playing mermaids with her, D-D had her mermaid say, "Come swim with us" and the girl doll said, "I cannot breath under water" So I had my mermaid say, "Here, take my necklace and you will be able to breathe under water and play with us!" D-D rolled her eyes, set her dolls down in the tub and said, "No, mom! That mermaid clearly has invisible strings keeping it on!"
April 1, 2010: "GOD made my heart happy: HE put some candy in it!" ~~D-D
April 4, 2010: A portion of E's prayer this night: "...and please help mommy to have cooler glasses and much, much cooler clothes so that she will look like a rock star..."
April 21, 2010: Mom and dad were dismayed at the total amount of hair D-D's imaginary friend "Ben" cut off of D-D's head! D-D thinks that the spanking she got was felt by Ben, too.
Date Unknown: MG, after getting some compliments on a new dress, pleasantly replied, "Thank you. I like it, too...it is a HANDY-down!"
April 2010: I asked Z if he wanted a cookie for a snack. To the tune of Star Wars he answered, "No-Nnnnoooooo-No! No-Nnnnnnoooooooo-No! NoNoNo-Nnnnnoooo!"