Yesterday ND completed his last round of Chemo! We have three weeks of quarantine and then it's back to "normal" life. :) We left the HemOc unit of [the] Childrens Hospital with grateful hearts and tearful eyes. I was told during the early days of our stay there that "Jesus lives here" and if you pay attention, you will pass HIM in the hallways. I certainly found that to be true. As I was going to get the car to take ND home, I paused just a moment and stared at the room where we were told he had pancreatic cancer. As emotions came rushing, I was reminded that while there have been many amazing angels who have walked us through this journey, the main character of ND's story has always been and will always be his merciful, redemptive, and Sovereign Lord. In life and in death, in joy and in pain, in sickness and in health, in the temporal and in the eternal, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is our Sovereign Lord.