A few months ago I discussed my desire to make owls. I saw many online and loved what I saw. You can see my first attempt
here (you will have to scroll past all the words---sorry!).
So, though these are not all of the ones I have made, these are some of them. I know they are not great. There are many flaws. Though I try to make them symmetrical, I always have something off on one side compared to the other. One eye is higher, one wing is lower, one "horn" is more pointed than the other, and so on and so on and so on....
The owls of my niece and nephew:

E wants me to make a hat and pirate patch for his owl. Not sure how I will do this, but I will try it ~~~eventually.
MG has asked for a new "fat" owl as well....and I must make one for Z, too.
I hope. :o)