Thursday, September 22, 2011


These last days of this summer are slipping by.
We hold on tight to them

as the days slide

one season into another.

Then, our
eyes are drawn to the flaming colors

and the green seeming to stand out in relief

So, we take a deep breath

let go

to swing into the next season

Our tummies tickled, our senses
shouting out in glee
at the colors, the feel of the cool breezes,
making pictures from the clouds that sail
across a brilliant sky

sharing moments of joy
and laughter

embracing memories with friends.

Acts 14:17
"Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”

Galatians 4:10
You are observing special days and months and seasons and years!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Full of Light

It is just starting:

this change of season.

But already the leaves of the trees are pulling themselves tight,

cupping their hands to hold

on to the light.


soaking it in

so that, very soon,

they will delight in a new way

of reflecting that light


the glory of God

and the

amazement of man.


How beautifully leaves grow old.

How full of light and color are their last days.

~John Burroughs

Autumnal Ideas

It certainly is fun to go through other blogs and see what extremely creative people are doing in their homes to celebrate a new season given us. Here are some of the things I like so far:

Falling into comfort with these cute pillows(above)!
And what a nice idea to tone down those too bright, too fake
looking orange pumpkins (below)!
Both from Little Big Nest


going a little creepy
without the bloody horror.


Loving this (of course!).
WHOOOO wouldn't, though? :o)

from blog Hello Cupcakes!

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes

Aren't these adorable?!!?

Candy Corn

Monday, September 19, 2011


Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another

above yourselves.

remembering back to the days I was a teacher, there were times when I could not see the positive in the students with whom I was in contact day after day. Really, there were some of the students who did indeed make it hard to see the good and lovely. I worked with a great team of teachers, in a fabulous top-notch school. Even so, we all had our moments of complaint. Moments where it was hard to find ways to honor the kids who struggled so much to figure out how special they were (and are). I am sure that the teachers at my children's school have their moments, too, but I must commend them for their deliberate attempt to focus on honoring and encouraging their students.

This past Friday was the first Mail-call of the 2011-2012 school year. MG was called on this day. It was a treat to see her getting an encouraging word from her teacher.

It certainly reminds me that I might need to do my own mail-call at home. Too often I am correcting (which, sadly, involves pointing out the negative) rather than bringing encouragement.

drinking in the words from her teacher

with other students honored on this day

Brother Z was so happy for MG

This was such a good day for my sweet girl!

Making changes

E wanted his hair cut "like daddy's."

Daddy obliged (sigh! I loved the little boy look!):


MG wanted her hair straightened.

Mom obliged (sigh....I love her curly hair):

Friday, September 16, 2011

Breathing Deep

I read a quote today. It spoke of living and questioned how much living is being done. All said in a few simple and short words (easy words for this blonde to understand!).


are you breathing just a little

and calling it a life?"

~Mary Oliver

So often I find myself holding my breath, taking in and exhaling the air in short gasps. I want to hold onto the moments I am witnessing,

or suffocate the moments I wish never were.

All these moments:
They can make us!!
Let us hope:
More Grateful.
Living moments,
a living people,
Living by
the grace and mercy of God.

In reading a word from the Lord today, I sat amazed at the beauty of His gifts:

"The Spirit of God has made me,

And the breath of the Almighty

gives me life."

~Job 33:4

I am living with the breath of God! The breath of God in me!!!! How fabulous is that?!!? So now, I hope I remember to breathe in the moments. All of them. Because, to drink fully of the air and the moments is to breathe in the promises of a LORD who keeps His word, the hope of His promises, the certainty of what we do not see, the blessings and comfort of what we do see.

It is time
to breathe deep.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


A few months ago I discussed my desire to make owls. I saw many online and loved what I saw. You can see my first attempt here (you will have to scroll past all the words---sorry!).

So, though these are not all of the ones I have made, these are some of them. I know they are not great. There are many flaws. Though I try to make them symmetrical, I always have something off on one side compared to the other. One eye is higher, one wing is lower, one "horn" is more pointed than the other, and so on and so on and so on....

The owls of my niece and nephew:

D-D's and E's owls:

E wants me to make a hat and pirate patch for his owl. Not sure how I will do this, but I will try it ~~~eventually.
MG has asked for a new "fat" owl as well....and I must make one for Z, too.
I hope. :o)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Greatest of These

Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires.

But on what did we rest the creations of our genius?

Upon force.

Jesus Christ founded his empire

upon love;


at this hour

millions of men

would die for him.

~Napoleon Bonaparte

Sunday, September 4, 2011
