Thursday, May 9, 2013

Career Day

D-D had a Career Fair at school a couple of weeks ago.  

She set up her table for the fair...

...with gifts to hand out to those who stopped by to see her.
D-D wants to be a missionary when she grows up.

Her choice of career made my heart sing.
Listening to God's leading is a marvelous thing, and
we hope that wherever she goes, it will be because God led her there.

She is convinced and determined
her journey will take her to 

Whether her choice of career will change as she grows into maturity or not, we hope that whatever she does,
God will be glorified and His kingdom will
be increased.
Outside of her choice, I can think of no greater occupation other than being a 
servant of God, whatever career one works.

Career Day from Garrett Marks on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Gentle Friendship

Usually on trash day, I have the kiddoes bring the trashcan up from the road when we get home from school. But, since it is predicted to rain today, Z-boy and I decided to get the can and bring it up early.  I do not know why, but 3/4 of my kids find such fun in bringing up the trashcan!  Z-boy is one of that 3/4.  Before we got to the driveway, we met a new little friend.

Z was enchanted.  He sat outside watching this little friend for about 30 minutes.

And he did what he could to assure it he meant no harm

Knock, knock, knock  Come out sweet turtle!

Maybe if I get a little closer, it will peek out at me:

Finally the turtle walks off, confident that little Z means no harm and just finds sweet pleasure in its little life.