Z, for his birth, got a neat little booster seat called a BUMBO. We sat him in it not too long ago, just to see if he was ready to sit there.
He wasn't.

The BUMBO went back into its box until the day he was able to sit in it. Then, we got an email that these seats were being recalled. I took it back and got Z a different baby contraption. It is one of those jumpy seats that hangs from doorways and the kids can jump, jump, jump. Z is a mite too little for this right now, too. However, that did not stop us from allowing him to try it out. I think that he will really enjoy this.

So, the past few days have been BIG, red letter days: We got D-D's hair up in pig-tails one day and a small pony tail on another. She looked so sweet and pretty I had to share her pictures.

M-G wanted to help make supper last night. She did a great job stirring the pots and putting some pizza in the microwave, She even dished up the food for her brother and sister and set it on the table for them. What a big girl!!!

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