D-D has been tickling our funny bone the past few weeks.
She loves dressing up as Cinderella...being good old "Cindy," pretending that Cinderella is her best friend, talking to her on the phone, pretending that mice sleep with her at night and that they sing her songs, etc...etc...etc...

"They are? Is Cinderella going to help me clean the floors?"
"No. They are going to play wif me."
"Well...they will have to wait a little. We are going to WalMart for some groceries."
"I don't wanna go to Wah-Maht!!! hmmph!! I know---Ci'ella can go wif you and Pwince Chahming can stay wif me (that last part was said in a "wahka-wahka-wiggle-of-the-eyebrows" sort of voice)---*sigh* He is soo-oh-oh sweet!!!"

We did not get to go to get groceries that morning...soon after that she touched a red burner on the stove and we went to the doctor instead. She is fine and her finger looks great---but she told the doctor who was coming to our house, what princesses drive and what prince charmings drive and, not knowing her very well, he did have a difficult time understanding her.
I have found that the more organized our toys are, the more likely the kids will play with them. If it is all a jumbled mess, they tend to leave the toys alone (and then tell me they are bored, asking me what they can do). This morning, I pulled out our Little People toys and helped D-D set up a little "village." She was playing a long time with the construction crew and moving boulders, so I got to get everything else set up, including the ark and the animals marching in two by two. After it was all set up, D-D had a good time playing all over the room. At one point, she was putting the animals into the ark making each one squeal in a high pitched voice, "Oh, no!!! Her-we, her-we---quack, quack, quack---the wain is coming!!!" Animals were being thrown in the ark when she stands up, looking all around the ark, and says, "Mom!!! We've got to be quack!! (--gasp--) Where's the kanga-roof?!!?"
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