MG has a book report due tomorrow (oct. 27). For her report, she had to pick out a book, answer some questions for her book report, and then make a "character" pumpkin to go along with the book. She chose the book "The Paper Bag Princess"...which also happens to be one of my favorite books. In the book (for those of you unfamiliar with it), a princess named Elizabeth is engaged to marry Prince Ronald. But a dragon comes, destroys her castle, burns up everything and carries off the prince. The only thing the princess can find to wear is a paper bag. She puts it on and goes to save her prince. She tricks the dragon into showing off all of his much so that soon he is so tired that he cannot do anything but fall asleep. She goes to rescue Prince Ronald and then...
You will have to check it out and read the ending of the book. Very cute!
So, MG and I went and picked out a pumpkin last weekend, I drew the dragon, MG painted it and helped hot glue the scales and did pretty much everything else. I drew on the ground for the characters to "stand" on. Didn't MG do great? I thought that her painting and drawing of the princess were wonderful!

The page in the book that the
pumpkin is "modelled" after...
Dragon: running on steam -->
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