Dana helped me get the turkey ready this morning and we got it in the roaster by 8:30 am. Yesterday I baked Dana's favorite pie---fudge pecan---and after the turkey began its roasting, the apple pie was slid into the oven. At 10:30 I ate some breakfast then went to clean up the kitchen before I messed it up again. I peeled the potatoes for mashed potatoes and they sat waiting for the right time to boil, bread was ready to slide in the oven the last few minutes, stuffing was looking good, and the concocting of the green bean casserole began. During this meal preparation, I was listening to the kitchen radio when the announcer came on and began to talk about all the mothers and grandmothers and aunts working since last week to get ready for the feast today. It took my mind back to the many Thanksgivings we had with family, where I was a kid running around with my cousins thinking that the meal just magically appeared and then just as magically cleaned itself up after we were all done eating it. So, before I forget all over again, thank you mom, grandma, and my many aunts and cousins who worked so hard to make this day one to remember and look forward to year after year. How we miss all of you!!!!!!
Aaaaand back to our house now: While all of this cooking and concocting was going on in the kitchen, Dana was in our laundry room ripping up old linoleum and scraping off the glue from the concrete floor. By the time he finished in the laundry room everything in the kitchen was all done. Dana began cutting the turkey around 12:45 when I heard..."Uhmmmmmmmm!!! Either we had two bags of giblets in here, or what I got out earlier was not really the bag at all!!!"
Ugh! Even though he did ask me to peak inside the bird to see if the bag was gone, I am blaming Dana anyway! And to be quite honest, when I did look in the carcass, I saw not a single thing! Double ugh!!!
Oh, well...other than that, the turkey was great!

Pulling the wishbone:

Oh, my silly kids! Acting like they cleaned the whole turkey including the wish bone. In this shot of MG and E, they are actually pulling as hard as they can. Though Dana had cleaned and washed off the bone, it was still pretty slippery. MG's hand slid right off, but on the next pull E got the bigger end!
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