Our little group of kids at church put on a Christmas pageant. It was not a big production (yay!), but it was very well done and extremely cute, using the children from 3 years of age to 6th graders. The preschoolers were the characters on stage. The young elementary students (K--4th) sang on the risers and the 5th and 6th graders were the helpers to the pre-schoolers, moving the props and helping the little ones get on and off the stage while three of the 6th graders were the narrators. There were probably some of the older ones on the risers, too. MG, though singing mostly on the risers, also played Mary for a few minutes during the wise men visit, with her littlest brother as toddler Jesus. Z did great during the dress rehearsal the night before, but I had to get him off the stage a bit early on the "big" night. He was pretty upset. D-D decorated a tree and played with dolls on the stage during the first songs. She was really cute. They all did wonderful. But the one who has made us chuckle the most (besides MG trying to stuff a pretzel down Z's throat to keep him on the stage) was our big boy E. During the songs, he could NOT keep still. I am hoping to get some video of E during the singing posted and that you can see him. He is one the far left, bottom row. For those of you who remember him as a toddler taking notice during worship services, some of his movements may seem familiar (swinging his hand like the director). I really think he either (a) had ants in his pants---literally--- or (b) had to use the restroom!

D-D peaking out from the "curtain." Near the end of her scene, the little boy on stage with her came over to help. D-D was having none of that, and I began to hear her voice gearing up
for a fit (I was so proud. ugh!). Fortunately, the song ended and they had to put the things away and get off the stage. Phew!
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