Dana and I went on a trip over his spring break. Well, he had to work, but I got to tour the city!
His parents came to watch the kids while we were gone. G-G and Poppa Claus are much more fun---they give you ice cream before you go to bed!!
We went to Portland, Oregon. Beautiful place and mostly wonderful people. There was free public transportation that ran from our hotel into the downtown part of the city. I think that one of my favorite spots to visit was a book store. It is one of the largest New and Used Bookstores in the U.S. It covered an entire city block, was three stories tall and held almost everything. Just down the street from this bookstore, there was another one that hosted only technical books. Same name, different genre. The one at the different location covered about half a block, but I am not sure how many stories held books as I am not interested in "technical" books and did not feel the pull to peek in and shop. It was great fun to wander around. I never dreamed there were SOOOOOOO many books in the world and was quite giddy at the prospect of finding something for a good price----
----I found several somethings!
And then I went looking for two particular authors...and they had no books in stock with either name!!! Can you believe in a store that covers so much space, there were at least two books not in there?!!!? I don't know why, but this is a hoot to me!!
We also went to a great chocolatier for some hot cocoa (I tried--for the first time--Mexican Hot Chocolate...ummm...I can only say, "yyyyyyhhHUM!!!!!"), got to eat a really great freshly made bagel in a darling bagel shoppe and then we went to see one of
God's wonders of nature.
After spending a little more time with our friend (we knew them when we were newly married...were in a Home Bible study group together and they moved up here; a blessing to see them!)and their children, Dana and I went and hung out at a mall. As neither one of us really enjoys shopping, we found something a little different to occupy our time:

What a funny time. Our ankles are still sore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We thought that we could skate for about an hour or more and then we would go get something to eat.
An hour or more!!!!! aaaaah-ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
We skated for about 30 minutes, our ankles crying after the first two extremely wobbly, hand-holding-the-rail trips; ankles sobbing during the next rounds about the rink; and ankles screaming loudly enough to drown out the music near then end of our ice-capades. We took several breaks but could not last long at all!
Dana tried to make it look like it was me who caused the last scene of this film. It wasn't though!!!! REALLY!!!! :o)