We walked around quite a bit, got turned around like you wouldn't believe, and laughed when others around us said the same thing we were feeling. We heard one lady tell her friend, "I know we left the store we just went in, but now I have no idea WHERE I am!!!" During our walk we saw some interesting statuary and some great advertisement for a restaurant, as well as some really spectacular architecture:

Below: left-- great advertising, and a little scary. We did not walk down that street. It creeped me out a little! :) Middle: an American Indian symbol on this building...at least it looks like that great bird spirit! And the last one is just a pretty building. Kinda gives you a feel for the way the city is built and the care they take of their streets and little pedestrian parks.

This next photo is of a chocolate shop. It is not anything special in and of itself...at least not to our knowledge: we did not try any of its chocolates (the store was closed), but we loved the name. It reminded us to send a prayer up for some friends of ours whose little boy is named the same as this shop. A little guy born at 25 weeks and working hard to survive. The name means "lion-like." Please pray for this little guy, too!

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