At the end of February, I gave up FACEBOOK, intending to refrain from all communication in that area until Easter. I was hoping to replace it with some reading and studying and some more playing with the kids. I have done pretty good, though I know I could have done better. My reading has consisted more of studying the Bible and some books that expound on the people and situations therein, the kitchen has been cleaner than usual, the kids have swung more on the

But...I still have not been too great at forgetting it and replacing it with better things. I seem to think and think and think about FACEBOOK...a lot! For those of you who do not know about this fun and completely wonderful tool for reconnecting with people, you need to know that you can put a status on your page, explaining what you are doing for the day or for the week---or for each and every moment. The funny thing about these status updates is that the person reporting their own activities or thoughts has to share it in third person; which means that after a time of posting, one begins to think in third person.
So, although I have been off of FACEBOOK for nearly two months, I find myself still thinking in third person. For example:
MANDY is blogging.

MANDY is burning the supper.
MANDY is ordering takeout!
MANDY loves the spring flowers.
MANDY does not like pine pollen.
MANDY says, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-CHOOOOOOOO!!!"
MANDY is thankful rain is washing away all the pollen (sniffle).
MANDY smells the jasmine blooming along her fence.
MANDY likes where the trampoline has been moved.
MANDY is listening to her children laugh.
MANDY is listening to the children sing.
MANDY loves hearing the children playing NICELY together.
MANDY is listening to her children argue.
MANDY is listening to the children whine.
MANDY is listening to her children fighting.
MANDY wonders if CALGON can really take her away!??!
...and the list can go on.
At least now I only think of a status once every day or so...instead of every ten minutes.
I just hope that after Easter I can stay focused on doing those other more important things instead of allowing myself to get sucked in all over again.
---- MANDY will see how "strong" she really is! :)
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