All day.
The kids did a great job playing for much of the day, but around 1 pm, they began to get exasperated. Mostly with D-D. She was acting like a smarty pants and was getting her feelings hurt pretty easily, which helped to escalate her voice into a high pitched fit! We were all in the front of the condo and could hear her screaming. On going back to see what the problem was, I saw her running into the bathroom, yelling about the potty.
"What's wrong, D-D?" I asked her.
""They awe cawling me names!" she cried out at me.
(interpretation: They are calling me names)
"Like what?" I asked.
E steps in and says, "I called her 'Miss-You-Think-You're-So-Smart!' "
D-D's blood boils again and she sticks her hands on her hips and yells, "Ah yam not!!! Ewe stop cawling me that!" sob, snuffle, sob, "Ah yam NOT so smawt! Ah doan want to be so smawt! Ah want to be so cute!" sniffle, sniffle, hiccup, sob.
(Interp: I am not! You stop calling me that! I am NOT so smart! I don't want to be so smart! I want to be so cute!"
"D-D," I tell her hiding my own laughter as her siblings and cousin are laughing in the other room, "it's not a bad thing to be smart. It is a really, really good thing."
"But!!!!" she cries again but in a much smaller voice, "Ah juss want to be a little smawt...not so smawt!"
(Interp: But...I just want to be a little smart, not so smart!)
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