D-D has really been enjoying drawing pictures and using her scissors to cut them out (so far this fall she has cut only paper and has not tried to get her hair again!).
Girl On Motorcycle

One day, she asked me if she could use some markers on her paper, to which I replied, "Sit at the table and do not let little Z get hold of them!" She later came in to show me her creation:
Markers. On Paper.
Just the other day D-D had finished with her lunch and came in to ask me if she could have more chips. I told her that she had already had enough and she didn't need more. I further instructed her to go wash her hands and face. "O.K. Momma!!!" she said. A few seconds later I went in behind her to begin cleaning up the lunch dishes only to make her jump as she was bringing her arm out of the chip bag and turn to me with those large "deer in the headlight" eyes:

and she says, "It was an ask-ident!!! My arm just went in there all by itself!!!" Immediately she shoves the chips in her mouth as I laugh out loud at the absurdity of her statement.

She got a slight talking to about her lie later, but I was laughing too hard at the time for any talking to do much good. Quite the creative little character, isn't she?
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