Honestly, she really does get on my nerves. It seems she conquers the world all before the sun rises.
I really do not know why she would need servant girls when it seems she does everything anyway. I mean, look at her as a merchant ship! She uses her own bounty to provide things for her family above the average daily fare. Her husband does not have to give her an "allowance" for her to provide for the family. She does it herself!
grumble, grumble, grumble.
I cannot live up to her. I am not her. There are some women who are (or appear to be her or like to think of themselves as her). Some are easy to get along with...their grace and humility and gentleness hide the fact that they do EV-ER-Y-THING and are above and beyond capable of obtaining world peace 30 minutes after the alarm goes off (oh, who am I kidding!?! They wake up before their alarm).
Then, there are some of those Proverbs 31 women I just have to stay away from. I feel little in their presence, lacking in effort, love, and the knowledge of how to make (using only my elbows, 'cause my hands are busy with something else) linen out of flax.
But it comes to me again and again and again as we study this virtuous woman of super-housewifery ability, we are not really to emulate her. Sure, she's great. Sure, she embodies much of what we, the church, should be for Christ.

Sure, she is the poster child to much of what we hope to be for our families. But she is really not the example we are to copy.
And, truly, we cannot be her in her lovely and (let's be honest here) intimidating perfect self. Not really. As my sister pointed out to me yesterday, each verse in the 31st chapter about her is akin to status updates on facebook. We only see the best and we do not see her struggle. We only see what she has accomplished, but have not seen her tedious and difficult journey to get there. We do not see the woven scarves that had to be pulled apart and redone, we do not see her when she is at her time of womanhood where every thing irritates and her husband is glad to escape to the city gates until the day is done. We do not see her mistakes the day (or days) she was tired and yelled at the kids. We only see her triumphs. Not her sacrifices. Not her failings. Not her humanity. We see her perfection manifest in her own efforts.
She's something else, isn't she?
But she is not who I should try to become. Because for all she gets right, for all the million things she does well everyday, for all the praise and adoration she receives from her family, for all the things and words and actions she does so flawlessly, she is not perfect. She never will be (at least not because of the things she does).
By my efforts, by my accomplishments, by my words and actions and deeds, I will never obtain perfection, no matter how much I get right. Especially if I try to be like her. Even if I go verse by verse, accomplishing each level of her virtues, I'll never get there.
BUT!!! There is some fabulous news!!!! News to shout from the rooftops! First, I am to be like Christ. He is the only example of perfection I am to copy, to strive toward, and to find joy in that very striving. Because, through Him, I am already made perfect! Did you hear that? Through CHRIST, my perfection is complete! And I do not even have to know how to spin linen out of flax! EV-ER-Y-TIME God looks at me, He sees me through the sacrifice and phenomenally great love of His own heart and His Son,.....and I!!! am!!!! P.E.R.F.E.C.T.!!!!
Does that mean I stop trying? No. Does that mean I sit around and eat bon-bons all day? Certainly not! Does that mean I go out and do what I want regardless of the hurt I can cause to myself or others? Definitely NOPE! Because His Son made me perfect through His love for me, I want to love Him more. I want to give Him reason to be pleased with me. I want to do and do and do. Not as works and effort to save myself, but to thank Him for already saving me!
Maybe it is His gentleness. Maybe it is His humility. Maybe it is His compassion, His mercy...His care for all those around Him. Whatever it is, I find trying to emulate Christ is a WHOLE lot easier than trying to live up to the standards and to-do-list we make out of TheVirtuous Woman of Proverbs 31.
Some days I will forget the perfection given me. But, today I remember. And the strength that comes through the perfection and salvation of Christ, makes me ready and a tad more willing to face (and hopefully accomplish) the tasks and to-do lists set before me today.
BUT!!! There is some fabulous news!!!! News to shout from the rooftops! First, I am to be like Christ. He is the only example of perfection I am to copy, to strive toward, and to find joy in that very striving. Because, through Him, I am already made perfect! Did you hear that? Through CHRIST, my perfection is complete! And I do not even have to know how to spin linen out of flax! EV-ER-Y-TIME God looks at me, He sees me through the sacrifice and phenomenally great love of His own heart and His Son,.....and I!!! am!!!! P.E.R.F.E.C.T.!!!!
Does that mean I stop trying? No. Does that mean I sit around and eat bon-bons all day? Certainly not! Does that mean I go out and do what I want regardless of the hurt I can cause to myself or others? Definitely NOPE! Because His Son made me perfect through His love for me, I want to love Him more. I want to give Him reason to be pleased with me. I want to do and do and do. Not as works and effort to save myself, but to thank Him for already saving me!
Maybe it is His gentleness. Maybe it is His humility. Maybe it is His compassion, His mercy...His care for all those around Him. Whatever it is, I find trying to emulate Christ is a WHOLE lot easier than trying to live up to the standards and to-do-list we make out of TheVirtuous Woman of Proverbs 31.
Some days I will forget the perfection given me. But, today I remember. And the strength that comes through the perfection and salvation of Christ, makes me ready and a tad more willing to face (and hopefully accomplish) the tasks and to-do lists set before me today.
She's the spectre we all suspect our MILs wish their sons had married. But as for me, "to (my) own master (I) stand or fall; and (I) will stand, for the Lord is able to make (me) stand." And now to the kitchen and laundry!!!