Thursday, October 11, 2012

Birthdays (and ugly cakes)

It is the birthday marathon.  I have really enjoyed doing cakes in the past (here and here and here and look at more, just look in the blog archive under August or October), and though they are far from professional, I have certainly liked the look of them.  THIS YEAR, however, I have been lazy in my cake making and decorating.  I have not even attempted any cake-pops this go 'round.  I bought E's cake back in August, totally skipped making Z boy a cake when it was his turn a week and a half after E, and then threw together D-D's cake the afternoon of her birthday.  I tell you, these are not stellar mom moments.....or stellar cakes.  D-D's is quite laughable.  But, since she loved it and could totally tell what I was going for, I guess it does not matter too much that proportions were slightly skewed (as in way, way, way, way off).  

E's cake
(ugh!  store bought, but who can wrinkle your nose at an ice cream cake
...and a Reese's one at that?)

D-D's cake:

I honestly knew it wasn't the best decorating job I had ever done, but did not realize it was THAT poorly done until a friend said, "Cute duck."  Duck!!!!!  DUCK?!!?!!?!!?!!?  wow.  this is cry worthy....sniff, sniff...
Her cake is supposed to look like Rainbow Dash from the new and improved My Little Pony cartoon.  I tried to model it after this drawing:

Another honest confession.....I do laugh over her cake.  I laughed over it as I was decorating it....and as soon as I finished it.  


And, since I was making D-D a cake, I decided to make Z-boy one, too....almost 2 whole months later!  I guess it is better to be late than never, right?  Again, I just slapped icing on, and got his done quickly.  It is sad, sad, sad.  I think it (as well as the ducky-pony cake) could possibly show up on a blog about terrible cake decorating (I hope not, but it wouldn't surprise me,they are that shoddy).  
Can you guess what/who it is?

NOOOOO!!!!  It is NOT Frankenstein's monster.  I'm not even sure my little man knows who that 
character is!  
Think 4 year old turning 5
(Fine, fine!  He's already five, but play along with me, OK?).....

Oh, good grief!  I'll tell you, for pity's sake!
It is the Incredible Hulk!
A different friend than the duck-commenting friend
(yes, we have more than one friend.  Don't be jealous, now!)
said, "What a great LEGO head"
right.  Right!!!
That's right!  Lego Hulk.  It is what I 
was DEFINITELY going for!
yes, yes, yes! least this little guy knew what it was!  And judging by the smile on his face, he liked it.  

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