We have been having a wonderful time during this Halloween/All Saint's Day season:

On Saturday the 27th, the kids in our neighborhood had a costume parade. This was such a sweet activity. The older kids in the neighborhood met at one house and cheered as all the little kids walked by. Other neighbors watched and waved out their windows or off of their front porches. After the "parade" we went back to the neighborhood pavilion and had spooky cookies and juice.

Trunk or Treat was at our church on Sunday evening(the 28th). The kids loved it and I enjoyed looking at all of the ideas on the trunks. There was a disco with a twirling, lit-up disco ball ("Dancing Praise to God" sort of theme), "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" (very well done); Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine(this one cracked me up), Pirates with a great Pirate ship

(E was a little hesitant of this one---he did not understand how that mean, ugly pirate knew his name), Little Red Riding Hood with the wolf...and sooooo many more. Everything looked wonderful and the kids enjoyed seeing the different trunks. I am sorry that I do not have pictures of those trunks, just know that the trunks were that good. There were also games and jump-o-lenes, a hot dog supper and a music group that came to sing. The kids dressed up and our little neighbor went with us. We also invited other neighbors and met them there.

Of course, we also did trick-or-treating around

our neighborhood. Since there were no classes Wednesday night at church, we stayed and fellowshipped with the neighbors. :) All of the candy that we got at the trunk or treat went into our trick-or-treating bowl with two more bags of candy and was given all away. But, for all you grandparents out there who may be feeling sorry that our children's candy was gone by the end of the night, our bowl is now filled back up because of all the treats they received from walking around the neighborhood. We went to maybe 15--20 houses. The neighbors are very generous in their handing out of candy. D-D

really liked getting her bucket filled---I think that she was amazed that people were handing out candy, and LOTS of it.

She had a hard time leaving each house, wanting to keep digging through the candy bowls. Some candy she handed back saying, "I doan like dis one." Of course those sweet people would look for something she did like...I mean, how can anyone refuse a cute little fairy, right? Well, at least now we are very aware of the etiquette/manners needing to be worked on during this year.

M-G is dressed up as a witch, E is supposed to be Batman, and D-D is Tinkerbell. E, much like last year, just wore part of his costume on Halloween night. He had on his Batman

mask and cape, but a Superman shirt. The neighbors were very confused on what to call him. Z wore a BOO shirt and handed out candy with his dad. He is wearing the same outfit E wore on his first Halloween.
Z had his mole examined on his face, and the doctor said what we thought would be said..."Yep, that's a mole. Keep an eye on it." So, we will keep our eye on it. Z's dermatologist said that this mole will grow as he grows and we may later want to have some cosmetic surgery done, but right now is not the time for it. The mole is really very close to his eye.
As soon as we were done walking a small portion of our neighborhood, D-D immediately went inside to check things out: