Z had his 2 month check up last week. He was about 2 ounces shy of being 14 pounds!!! He is also 1/4 inch shy of being two feet tall. Just yesterday I began pulling all of his 0-3 mo clothes from the hangers and his drawers. I cannot believe that he is already in 3-6 mo outfits---and pushing the seams on some of those!!!! While at his 2 month check-up I asked his dr about a bruise that has been above his eye since he has been born. After looking at it the pediatrician informed us that the bruise is REALLY NOT a bruise, but a mole. She has set up an appointment with a pediatric dermatologist. Since there is only one ped. dermatologist in the state, we will have to do a little bit of traveling to see this physician. Fortunately the travel will not be too long.

Z is laughing out loud right now, rolling over from his tummy to his back every once in a while, and is doing pretty good holding his body up when he is on his tummy. He can sing his ABCs, but can only go as far as Nehemiah when reciting the books of the Old Testament. We continue to work with him. Dana is thinking he is very promising in the arena of math and electronics---you should see how Z can take apart our computer and put it back together again!!!
All joking aside, Z is doing well and growing so very quickly. I know that we will blink and he will be playing football with his big brother, then we will blink again, and he will be playing football with his own little sons and daughters.

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