"Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me." Ps. 66.16
Z had his cardiologist appointment today. We arrived at the children's
hospital around 12:30 pm,
found our way to the office through a huge maze of corridors and floors, signed in with the receptionist and were very soon shown into the room with an EKG machine. Z did wonderfully. All during the EKG reading, he smiled and even coo-ed. After this was done, the nurse weighed him (13 pounds, 2.8 ounces!!!!) and then instructed us to go back to the waiting room until the cardiologist could see us. 
About 15 minutes (give or take) passed, and another nurse showed
us into a room where she took a reading of the oxygen levels in his blood. The dr. soon came in and administered the echo cardiogram. After about 2 minutes or so of the physician looking at his heart, Z got tired of just laying there and decided to show everyone how well his lungs worked. In case any of you are wondering, his lungs work GREAT.
And then...the doctor told us what all he saw and the results of all the tests. Z is completely healed!!!! The holes in his heart have closed, the vein they were concerned about is now doing what it should do, his oxygen levels are normal (he made an A+ on that test), his breathing looks and sounds wonderful, and he is a very healthy little baby boy.
The doctor that we saw was a really nice man with a sweet, gentle and compassionate way about him---but we are so thankful that we will not have to see him again!!! And, I know that he is also thankful that the little life---our little baby---he saw today will not have to be in his office again.
Thank you, everyone, for your prayers concerning Baby Z. Now, it is our honor and joy to thank God for His provision and healing!!! How He blesses us with His grace and love!!!! And, thank you to any of you who will join us in this time of thanksgiving.
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever." Ps. 118 : 1
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