The next morning, we left to have Christmas Day with Dana's family in Virginia. We had a grand time, all of our kids rediscovered stairs and got a kick out of figuring out different ways to come down them---baby Z included!

They named her Shiloh. And when MG saw her, she was so happy and at the same time she just couldn't believe it. Later she told G-G (Dana's mom), "I can't believe A got a puppy! He is so lucky! My parents won't let us have a puppy or kitten or hamster or ANYTHING!! But A's parents got him one!"
"Welllll," G-G clarified, "his parents didn't get it for him...Santa did!"
"WHAT?!!?" MG asked with excitement. "Santa!!??!! You mean to say that you can ASK SANTA for a puppy?!!? hmmm..." and she thought for a few seconds. "Yes! Now I know what to ask for next year!"