Return Policy?!!? When it comes to the tooth fairy, is there such a thing? Apparently, E thinks so!! E lost his fourth tooth Sunday night. He went to his tooth pillow, put the tooth inside the pocket and then went to brush his teeth. When he came back, the tooth was gone! We searched the floor, the drawers in the dresser, the bed under the dresser, under the bed...behind things. We could not find it. E began to cry, "The tooth fairy already ca-a-ame and took my tooth!!!! I wanted to keeeeep it!!! And she didn't leave ANYTHING!!!!!!!" Really, there was some weeping and wailing from the little guy. We never found the tooth that night and promised to keep looking for it. Dana also helped E write a note to the tooth fairy. It said:

And the tooth fairy left her reply tucked inside a dollar:

Last night, after I had searched some during the day for the missing tooth, E was getting in his bed when he said, "MY TOOOOOOOOTH!!!!!!" It was on the floor, where I had
just been looking earlier that day, quite in plain sight! I think that the tooth fairy MUST have found it and returned it. We had one very happy boy falling asleep last night, and a frantically happy boy this morning when he woke up to find his other teeth (minus the VERY first baby tooth), too! I honestly had no idea where the tooth fairy had them!
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