About 2 weeks ago (give or take) as D-D, Z and I went on our daily walk, we noticed some little

After a few days of changing out leaves and providing water and protection from the plethora of ants that crawl through this state, one of the caterpillars began to form its chrysalis (the other one crawled away). It was so interesting to watch. For a little over a week we would go check on the chrysalis and this past Saturday when I went for the daily investigation (after having moved the leaf with the sleeping caterpillar to my pepper plants a few days previously) the butterfly had broken free and was building up strength on a pepper leaf. All day he slowly climbed the plant and rested on top through the afternoon rain and Saturday night. It flew away while we were at worship service the next day. I think I was more excited about this whole process than the children were!!! But, they also have experienced a lot of this at school.

I love the coloring on the underside of the butterfly

and how different it is on the top of its wings!
Earlier that same morning, a neighbor came by walking his dog and his children. As all the children played throughout our yard, we parents visited. We began to talk about the things people set at the curb as trash and our neighbor said he was going to set out his elliptical machine they got several years ago and did not use very often. He asked if we would be interested.
So we now have an elliptical machine in our bedroom. The tensions do not really work, they are pretty much all the same regardless of the number on the dial, but I have it set on 1 to "fool" myself. It feels like it is stuck on the highest tension. Yesterday I worked on it for eight minutes and, as I jestingly told some friends, my heart rate was at 407 and my legs were screaming so loud it woke up the baby! But, this will be good for us. I have gotten so out of shape and now get

And the funnest and best big thing that

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