It is time for me to be updating the happenings of our little family. I began a list of our doings this morning...unfortunately, I did not write this list down! And tonight, when I have actually seized the opportunity open for me, my brain turns into a puddle of mush! So, I am typing my squishy thoughts in hopes of remembering anything noteworthy.
... my thoughts are not even squishy. They are empty!!...
Oh, yes!!!
E has been making us laugh again with his misquotes and mispronunciations. We are thankful that this first one was
not said correctly, and though we laugh about it, we know that there are many more words and phrases the kids will hear at school and try out at some point. :) We figure this is a good starting point to learn that not all words and phrases are OK for us to say, and then we pray REALLY HARD that they will have (and use) some Godly wisdom and discernment:

E was in his room the other night getting his clothes ready for the next day. He noticed something, I am not sure what since I had my back to him while helping baby Z with pjs, and with bewilderment and incredulous-ness E said, "What the HANK?!!"
I stifled a guffaw and turned to him to ask him to repeat the phrase (I mean...did I really hear him correctly?). He said it again. Then, hiding a smile with great difficulty, I talked to him as serious as I could about what he should say instead and that what he said was not the best way to ask a question. I am still having a hard time explaining to him the why's and wherefore's of rules, but we are all learning!
Then, this past Saturday, E was eating breakfast and he said to Dana, "Daddy, I am a sidewalk man! Do you know what a sidewalk man is?!!?"
"No, " Dana replied as he flipped some more pancakes.
"A sidewalk man is a man with
only one eye!!" (E must have closed an eye or something)
"I think," said Dana between chuckles, "the correct way to say that is a CYCLOPS."