Over the past few weekends, the temperatures here have been very pleasant. We do not become dehydrated just by walking to and from the mailbox. Because of this, we have deemed these days as the perfect sort of days to go for hikes. And, fortunately, there is a great park just up the road from us that has several twisting and winding trails. Some of these lead to creeks and over little foot bridges, up hills and down dales. Z rides in the stroller, and after the first few hundred steps, so does D-D. Dana is usually the one to push this stroller over the trees and across the creeks and I am there to give an extra hand when needed.
We have seen mushrooms, lichen, moss and ferns, tadpoles, itty bitty minnows, colossal trees (one of which would take all five of us holding hands and circling it to wrap all the way around the base), butterflies, many different varieties of foliage, and observed how the leaves can separate the sunshine into many smaller rays of light. I am not sure the kids notice all the beauties around them, but they DO enjoy the wonders of the creekbeds.

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