Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Breath of Heaven

"Breath of Heaven" That is one of my favorite songs about Mary and her journey to bring Christ to his birthplace. We all have our times where we feel God's breath blowing over us, sometimes as a gentle breeze, and sometimes as a life changing wind. It draws us nearer to Him, holds us together, and though we may not always realize it, it is always and forever with us. Those moments of recognition are so very precious.

This fall, I experienced one of those breathing moments. A dear friend of mine died in the Spring...a friend I had not visited with in about 3 years...and the absence of those 3 years was felt deeply. After we moved out of state and then had a new baby, her new address got lost in the shuffle and readjustments that life brought to us. Anytime I remembered to ask about her new address, I would forget what I was going to ask as soon as I got to the computer or found the phone.


This spring she died.

Not knowing I ever thought of her those three years.

Not knowing I missed her so much.

Not knowing the things I was storing up to tell her.

Not knowing how much I loved her.

regret. Painful regret on my part. Regret for my neglect of our friendship. Regret over the silence from me. My heart could hardly pray about this for the pain that was there. Victor Hugo spoke about such moments, "Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees."

And, indeed, my soul was on its knees, for God answered to the pain in my heart. He gave me a gift in response to those prayers so painful...a response to pleadings I never realized I uttered until they were answered so sweetly.

When my friend Martha was a little girl, there was a print hanging in her home that was part of defining who she became. She showed me this print years ago and told me the story of how this print would occupy her childhood imaginings for hours, of how she dreamed she was the same little girl, how of all creatures God made, it would be birds she loved most and enjoyed watching for. She even designed her garden toward attracting different types of these birds. She loved their songs, their flight, their very natures. That print reminded her of the mother she missed so very much, and the provisions that God would provide for her because she knew He loved her more than these little creatures.

In life, through the grace of our Savior, she had given me so much. After her death when guilt and regret weighed heavy on my soul, she gave me a final word from her heart riding on the breath of Heaven, on the wings of His dove:

I miss you Miss Martha! I am so Thankful to her for loving me beyond the grave....and thanks be to the God of a great heart, full of mercy and grace, who allowed me to hear from her in this way. How awesome is HE?!!!?

p.s. Dear God, please let her be on my welcoming committee when You call me home!!!

Sidewalk art

The kids are breaking in the new driveway. I think the house NOW feels like home. :o)

Hiking Gear: 3 year old Style

Z, after a few tumbles hiking up to the tree house, has figured out how to outfit himself for the steep trek to and fro. I love the walking stick he found!

Grandparent's Day

The new school where the kids attend this year has a fabulous program for Grandparent's Day. Really, they go all out. Children singing, playing instruments, activities, games, book sales, bar-b-que lunch, etc, etc, etc. Really, they go all out. It was an enjoyable day for the grandparents, and such a joyous one for our kids. They loved showing off their school and classrooms to some of their favorite people ever (2/4 of them, that is!)!E and Z waiting for the grandparents to finish in MG's class...~~~~~~~~
Bookmark made by D-D: Where the light is shining so brightly, it says
"I taste 'pis-ketti' with
cheese on it' "
"I hear the city bell"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Double Digits!

MG is now 10 years old! Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

Birthday Celebration with just the family.
MG wanted just a Chocolate Cake...she got it!
Four layers of it--yum!!!!

A necklace from one of her friends.
Mg with a few of her friends. She wanted them to decorate their own cupcake.

A cake made for later when we celebrated with some
of our friends who had soccer during the birthday party.

Best gift: Birthday Plane Ride

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dancing With The STAR WARS

To go along with D-D's birthday theme, I thought you might enjoy some fun with these characters:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dana's birthday

The girls wanted to decorate their daddy's cake. They did a great job! :o)

D-D had a hard time waiting for her turn with the icing and sprinkles.

We got Dana a gag-gift. He was thankful that it wasn't really his to keep, but he was quite a good sport about it. This month was packed with emergency needs...the septic tank, the air conditioner, the freezer, the washing machine, the, sadly, Dana's birthday gifts were home improvements. :o( Hoping to do better for him at Christmas!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

D-D's day

D-D turned six years old on October 3. She wanted to have a Star Wars birthday party. So, I scoured the internet for ideas on how to do some sort of Star Wars cake. There are a lot of amazing cakes out there that I cannot even begin to try to duplicate. However, I did find two things that looked pretty fun to try. One was Princess Leia Cake Pops and another was a Wookie cake...a very simplified Wookie, of course. :o) It took a few days to get it all together, but it was fun and I certainly enjoyed the challenge of the cake pops.
The Sweets:

The process:

The party: