Wednesday, December 28, 2011

By the Chimney With Care

Christmas time at Nene's and Poppa's:

We had such a fun Christmas: great memories, abundant laughter, precious moments.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dressed in Holiday Style

We got all the lights up and most of Christmas decorations out sometime the last week of November. Dana, as always, worked so hard to accomplish all the lights before Thanksgiving break was over. We had quite a time getting the lights up on the highest peak....(please note, I say "we" loosely....and too often, I might add. I watched in fear and trembling while HE put up the lights). And no matter how much he stretched himself and the ladder, it still would not reach that peak. My brilliant husband figured out a way to "prop" the lights so that it appeared they were attached to the roof line.

You can't really see that bamboo stick, can you? :o)
Especially at night::

I worked on things inside, which took me much longer.

I wish I could throw it all out there at a faster (and less grumpy) rate.
I attempted pictures. My camera took very, very blurry ones, but I think it adds to the dreaminess and magical part of the memories of Christmas, don't you? At least, that is what I am telling myself so I won't kick myself for not taking better photos.
Or for forgetting to take some with the stockings hung (kick, kick, kick)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not Yet!

I saw this card and thought it was so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so funny.

Isn't it funny? Don't you just get a quick chuckle from it? I'm not
sure if I said this or not, but::
I think this is sooooooooooooo FUNny!!!!

I know that they set this up (at least I hope they did) and they were very clever with this photo, but how typical is this of many Americans today? Only Dana and I have a cell phone, and rarely do our kids get to use it (sadly, I do not think they even know how to answer a phone since our phones are always in our pockets). So, we are not here as a family....not yet anyway! But what a funny, clever way to say Merry Christmas! Kudos to the sense of humor of this family!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Praise in Alaska

I just viewed this by suggestion of a friend and loved the video and the effort that went into it. These kids did a marvelous job! My favorite is near the end when the chorus sings, "Forever and ever, forever and ever"