Friday, April 29, 2011

Favorite meal of the day?:: Snacktime!!!!

One of my kids' (as well as their parents') favorite movies is "The Princess Bride". Their favorite banter to repeat is the rhyming part of the movie:

Z, our 3 year old, also loves to repeat these lines with his big brother. One day, as they were saying the phrases, it went something like this:

E said, “No more rhymes and I MEAN IT!”

Z replied, “Eviee-bondy wanna peanut . . . hmmm . . . or how ‘bout

a cookie!?!

Yeah! I LIKE cookies!!! Mmmmmmm . . .”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And and I went to chapel at the kids' school. For the past month or so, while in chapel, the kids have been singing the song, "Because He first Loved me". For those of you who may not know how it goes, it is a song where two groups sing to each other. The words go something like this:

Boys: Oh, girls, do you love Jesus?

Girls: Oh, Yes we love Jesus!

Boys: Are you sure you love Jesus?

Girls: Yes, we’re sure we love Jesus!

Boys: Tell us why you love Jesus.

Girls: This is why we love Jesus…

Everyone: …because He first loved me!

Well, today was the first day for Z to hear this song and he was enjoying the back and forth of the singing. When it came time for the girls to ask the boys the first part of the song, Z sang the answer along with the other boys in chapel, except for him the song went something like this:

Girls: Oh, Boys, do you love Jesus?

Boys: Oh, Yes we love ~~ Popsicles!!

Girls: Are you sure you love Jesus?

Boys: Yes, we’re sure we love~~POPsicles!

Girls: Tell us why you love Jesus.

Boys: This is why we love~~POPsicles


I am a little afraid he likes to snack too much....and it is affecting everything he does!I wonder what his favorite meal of the day is?!!?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Alabama, Sweet home

I cannot believe that in the course of 10 minutes or less this much destruction can occur, leaving behind such overwhelming sadness and devastation. It has not even been a year since we moved from Tuscaloosa. Our hearts ache for the hurt and worry and anxiety of our friends and neighbors. Our hearts also rejoice for their safety and are thankful for so many little things we are hearing.

Though there is much hurt and harm and uncertainty about the whereabouts of friends and family, there is still great hope:
Quote from the photographer of the above photo
Jason Clark of Tuscaloosa, AL,:
"...Trees down all over, cars thrown here and there
...but this cross stood and kept its linen...
seemed to be a bit of a calming site on my way back to the truck."

I ask you to continue praying for our old home. Thank you!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Little Chicks

Some of our little chick-a-dees got together for a small egg hunt. They had a good time, finding almost 50 eggs...

....and a frog!

Monday, April 25, 2011

D-D and Pals

I love you, too, but…
I’m done with the hugs, friend,

I’m done with the hugs.

Easter Celebrations

The kids are waiting to see
what was left for them Easter morning.

Their baskets

Outside for pictures

They HAVE to be silly

The best part of the day:
Our little friend faced west to denounce evil and sin and death and faced east to confess his faith in, belief of and allegiance to Jesus Christ. It was a beautiful moment!

The Baptism!!!! A beautiful new soul in Christ!! Another warrior for His Kingdom!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

ND's Bulletin Board

I will use this post as a bulletin board to keep you updated on ND for the rest of April. If you are just now reading and want to know what specifically to pray for, click on these links:

Our Little Friend
A Word from ND's Momma
Roller Coaster

A beautiful and interesting note: ND's African name means, "As God Wishes"
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
From ND’s momma:
ND has Chemo tomorrow through Sunday. He and I prepared for it by eating continuously from 9 am to 6:45pm today. ha Though his tumors are gone, he will follow an intense 6 month protocol to help him stay cancer free for the rest of his God given (and regiven :) life.
Words cannot express how grateful we are for your prayers.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
A quote from ND's scans today: "The previously noted masses in the pancreas have been resolved. The stomach and intestinal masses have been resolved. The renal masses are reduced or resolved." Or, as ND's doc said, "The bumps in your tummy that were making you sick are gone." :)

Easter's Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter weekend: ND and his

Family celebrate life and are feeling

a deepening sense of gratefulness

and HIS graciousness

as they continue to battle this

sickness with the healing power

of God and His love.

Friday, April 22, 2011

ND's chemo went well... He seems to feel better already. In fact, as he was busy coloring about 5 oclock [last] evening, he looked up and said, "Well, I'm about ready to go home." :) As God Wishes!

Thursday, APRIL 21, 2011
Yesterday I posted that ND's mom said the doctors would check his bone marrow and spinal fluid. We are praising God that both are disease free!!!!!

He got his first chemo treatment last night. The latest word from his mother says:

“The tumors that are threatening his life will disintegrate in a few days.
Please pray for him as his body filters and disposes of the debris from the tumors as well as the Chemo.
Praising God for bringing ND to a country
where these meds are available!”

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gettin' creative

I was online the other day, and I saw this:

I am not sure WHY, but I am loving these little owls. Apparently they are becoming quite the thing. So it is really strange that I still like them, but I do, I DO, I DO!!!!!!

And because I like them so, I thought, “I have some extra material…I can make an owl of my own!!!”

I went to my box of left over material, opened it, and discovered that I had forgotten how I have let my daughter raid and use the materials. Of course, she got the more fun prints and colors of what I had and has made some “interesting” things of her own with those scraps. She did, fortunately, leave me some material…my more drab upholstery material. :o) You know the kind: thick, durable, not slide-across-your-face-soft, easily-unravelled-if-cut-on-(or is it against?)-the bias…

But, “Hey!” I thought, “How hard could it be?”

Well, pretty hard when your sewing machine is broken: the foot will not lift, and the thread from the little bobbin lets out long loops on the backstitch almost as long as my own hair. It’s been over three years since I have sewed anything. Probably because of the above mentioned problems, which I had forgotten existed in those 3+ years.


Which means:

But, I DID make:

I will rework the beak. I do not like it at all…and it is definitely not as cute as those in the collage above, but I am mostly satisfied. So, I went and bought all of this:Now I have to figure out how to put it together so it looks fun. Any suggestions?


Little ND is close to my heart. I love that kid! He is precious. I have also always loved his momma since I first met her not even a year ago. The strength of the LORD in her and her husband is increasing my love for them quickly. Read of their faith below::

[Today] ND has a couple of procedures to see if the lymphoma has spread to his bone marrow and spinal fluid. Then he will start Chemo.
The doctor said today: "The Chemo will cure ND's cancer. He just has to
survive the Chemo."
Our heart says:
God will cure ND's cancer and help him survive the Chemo. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Roller Coaster

Thank you all for praying for our friends! I know that when you do not have that close connection or know the person very well, it can be hard to remember to pray. I thank you for remembering.

Though the 48 hours has not passed since ND had his biopsy, the surgeon approached the family yesterday with this news, as shared by ND's mom:

''Today we experienced the immeasurable mercy of our God. After [ND]'s surgery, we were told by the surgeon that he has a rare and deadly form of pancreatic cancer. We mourned, worshiped, and began preparing ourselves for the coming journey...''

Your heart is sinking, right? Tummy is coming up to the back of your mouth, isn't it? You feel the downward pull of this roller coaster, and though you are screaming the whole way down, you raise your hands to the air, quite possibly because it is all you can do, all you know to do: Scream and praise at the same time. But this hill, though steep and the speed of its decent terrifying, did not last too long (though quite long enough, I think!) for ND's family. His mother also shared this news:

"Two hours later, we were told that a mis-communication had occurred. He actually has lymphoma, a cancer with a 90% cure rate in children!

Now you're breathless aren't you? Just for a second, anyway? Are you looking at your prayer partners on this roller coaster ride and smiling now, catching your breath enough to let out a great big

Wa-Hoooooooooo!!!! Whoop-whoop-WHOOOOOOOPIEEE!!!!!!!!

We know that there will be some more quick drops on this ride to healing, but doesn't it seem that those drops are little compared to what was initially thought? I never knew I would be thankful for a MIScommunication.

So, keep praying that this prognosis stands...or really, if I am fully honest with myself, keep praying that the news gets

even better

in these 48 hours following ND's biopsy.
I read not too long ago that so many times we have an attitude of prayer that goes something like this, both ends punctuated with weary sighs and a shaking head:

"Well....all we can do now is pray."

This should not be our response to these dreadful stumbles in the path, should it?? This thought seems to stop that roller coaster on its descent, keeping us looking down, down, down that steep decline, ever wondering if we will fit through that tunnel at the very very end, much less get through it to the other side. It gives too much room to wondering if this cart we are in will loose its grip and just fall forever. That attitude does not leave much room for the praise: it leaves us paralyzed, holding on tight to ourselves, possibly looking over the sides to see how exactly we can climb ourselves out of this sudden stop. It certainly does not lend much thought for the exhilaration of being brought out on the other side in awe, in anticipation for being amazed by the hand of God again and again. What I read "not too long ago" suggested that an attitude change will also change our response, the intent of our prayers, and the faith we use to pray them. Instead of saying, " <*sigh*>--all we can do now...." we should say, as we approach our gracious Father:

Now...NOW!... we. can. do. ALL

Thank you for joining us in DOING ALL! I love you!

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Word from ND's Momma

Today, in a post on facebook, ND's momma told of his biopsy to come and that:
"48 hrs later we should know the specific type of disease we are fighting and treatment options. His pain is controlled by morphine but seems to be harder to control each day. His Spirit is strong, his smile is beautiful, his kisses are priceless. I love him with all my heart and God loves him even more than I do. Praising God for [ND's] life."

Prayers Needed

I am asking you to lift our friend's little 4 year old boy up in prayer today.

He is very sick and his family and friends are desperate for your prayers. To know who you are praying for (and why), click here.

Our sweet little friend needs healing, his family needs peace and comfort. Thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue them!

Our Little Friend

This is our little friend N-D. He is 4 years old, full of light and love
and bringer of such joy to whomever he meets.

About a year and a half ago, ND's daddy went to get him from Ethiopia...

and brought him home to a house with a mom, dad, and three older brothers. He has been thriving and growing, learning about the Lord, falling
in love with Jesus and
loving (and being loved BY) his family.

Around April 7, 2011, he was feeling unwell, having caught a nasty tummy virus. By Monday he was still not doing well and complaining of aches and abdominal pain.

And then he began to vomit blood.

He was rushed to Children's Hospital where it was soon discovered that he had tumors in his stomach.

And his liver.


his pancreas.

The doctors have ran a plethora of tests and are ruling out one thing after another. Today's testing is a biopsy to determine if the tumors are malignant or benign. I am asking you---well, I am begging you on my knees (like I am pleading with our Father)---that you lift ND up in your prayers, asking for God's healing, for ND's health to return, for his mom, his dad, and his three older brothers as they wait, fighting for him with every breath they breathe, every moment sending prayers for their precious little guy. They cover him with their love, cover him with their prayers, and are firmly placing him in the Father's care, knowing He is covered by our Father's wing, held tightly in His hand.

HIS care and love is evident in this family, HIS strength is lovely to behold as ND's parents and brothers hold tight to the promises of Jesus and make their requests to God with such beautiful thanksgiving.

That ND has a mom and dad to fight for him, pray for him, take care of him and love, love, love him is not a coincidence. I am thankful that God provided such a terrific family, full of His grace, mercy, power and might. I am in awe of His provision and planning and am waiting to be amazed again. Please join us in prayer for healing and peace.

Thank you!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dancing, Commercials and Floodgates

I remember being a big crybaby when I was little. My heart was on my sleeve: my feelings would get hurt over the littlest of things, my conscience was easily pricked, I moralized everything, was very intent on showing fairness and sharing (really....I still catch myself dividing the M&Ms evenly in my mouth), I hated saying goodbye and would nearly make myself sick with crying, or others sick with my clinging to them!! Then, one day, a friend told me how it hurt to see me cry so much. So...because I liked this friend mostly for friendship's sake (plus--I won't lie to you--I was about 13 years old and this friend was a REALLY cute 12 year old boy), I promised I would practice some self control and cut out the crying.

for a good 20 years or so I have not been too very weepy.

But then,
I had my fourth child.
And through him, God opened the floodgates of my heart once again. be fair,
He re-opened the floodgates of my tear ducts.

I cry when I hear of someone going to Jerusalem, the Jordan, Gethsemane, Ephesus.
I cry when I watch Barbie movies with the girls (those sweet boys of mine usually suffer through it, bless them).
I cry when someone goes forward in church for prayer.
I cry when someone is baptized.
I cry when I see abounding joy!
I cry at Disney commercials.

I do!!!
And I know that
if I ever meet Cinderella, I will probably sit down and bawl! trips (ANYbody's family
trips) get-togethers(see previous parenthesis)
fields...mists dancing with the wind...the intricacies
of cows standing beside their mommas...a fog
rolling in...the glow of morning sunlight in my living room...
those unconquerable piles of laundry...
a single line
of cars on a sunny day all with their headlights on...the
wail of a siren...the good news of a healing...the tears of my children...the pure
and beautiful laughter of their joy...

I know that God says that there will be no tears in Heaven. I am thinking that those tears must mean tears of sorrow, because if the open flow of my heart is any indication, there will most certainly be tears from me in Heaven. More times than not, my tears are from delight; from the inability to voice the joy and complete happiness that comes from the Spirit of God moving through the rooms of my heart, stirring up visions of Home, of being a part of Abraham, of Israel, a fulfillment to the promise of His salvation. I see it in this world where He speaks of His love to us through the beautiful and sad, the exciting and mundane, in His word and His people, in nature and in the cosmos.

His joy. His love. His faithfulness.
It makes me want to sing!
to laugh

But usually, when my spirit meets His,
it weeps with thankfulness,
inexpressible jubilation and

Maybe, after a few thousand years have passed, once my awe and gratefulness have allowed me to move off of my face, and then off of my knees, and my eyes have cleared themselves of the tears so I can see enough not to step on His toes, I will be able to dance with Him!!! I look forward to all of it:

...and to sharing it with so many others whose bliss and elation have kept them pressing on toward the Savior:

Kimyal New Testament launch in Indonesia from United Bible Societies on Vimeo.

A capella Jam

I really like this group from Indiana. I love their sound. This song makes me smile every time I hear it on my playlist of well as tear up a bit (weird, huh?). They do a great job (the song begins at about 7 seconds into the video)::

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's SPRING!!!!!!!!

“And the day came when the wish to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” — Anais Nin

Once again, we are enjoying the beauty of springtime and what is blooming in our new yard!!!

"Our Lord has written the promise of the
not in books alone,

but in every leaf in spring-time."
~Martin Luther~