The kids have been working hard and having lots of fun playing their first season of soccer. M-G is one of the tallest kids on the field but is still unsure how to manage the ball. She runs hard and tries to see everything that goes on around her and with the ball. One night, when playing a REALLY good team of all boys, she realized how to dribble the ball down the field and nearly made a goal. It was a a very exciting moment in the game---at least for us. E tires easily but has a great time playing. He even scored a goal one night and boy! was he thrilled!!! Just watching him rejoice and thrill about winning a point for his team is still a highlight of our year.
M-G is on a team called THUNDER. E is on a team called GORILLAS. On the night that he scored his first (and so far only) goal, he was taking a break from playing and was sitting down beside me. I was cheering something like, "Go Gorillas!!! Woo-hoo!!!---Way to hustle Gorillas!!!" E turned to me, and with large, solemn eyes explained to me that I was not pronouncing his team name correctly. "Mom, " he said, "you don't say 'gorillas'...you say 'go-re-yuh-luz.'"
I think when we come back 'home' he may get a bit of ribbing for the wonderful southern accent he is picking up.
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