Here are the girls yesterday morning, ready for church.

D-D picked out her outfit herself. She actually wore the hat all during worship services and Bible class. I have tried several times this summer to get her to wear the entire ensemble, but---and can you believe this?---she would refuse and cry and essentially throw a little fit. I am thankful we got at least one cheerful wearing of the dress and hat rather than ONLY having several mopey wearings.

These are some of the kids in our home Bible study group. Four and a half of the children are not in the picture. Two of the missing kiddies are babies, one is a very active toddler, her brother a very active crawler and the half child not pictured is still being "knit together." Our children are loving having other people their size running through the house with them. They went out in the backyard after supper last night and proceeded to make a mud pit. Not stopping at getting themselves muddy, they decided it would be fun to throw clods of mud at the house. This attempt at creating a mud hut was discovered as we went to put the kids to bed and noticed mud all over E's bedroom window.Dana was not happy, but I was thankful that what was thrown could be washed off----mud is so much better than paint!!! :) Dana, bless his heart, went out last night and washed off the windows and the bricks. What a guy!!!! He is such a good, diligent,
non-procrastinating worker. I was planning on having our two eldest help wash it after school, but the work is done!!!
M-G and E now know not to EVER throw mud and dirt (or anything else) at a house. :)
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