Each of our children go through those times where everything they do and say is thought of as extremely cute and funny. They can say something as simple as "Hey" and we nearly fall over giggling at their clever wit---wondering why on earth no one else is laughing out loud or sharing any of those humorous, twinkling glances with others.
M-G, through the years, has supplied us with many a knee-slap. One of my favorites being the time she was in the Pre-K class at church. She had wonderful and fun teachers who we all loved. One day after church services, we asked her what Mr. James and Mrs. Angel taught in class. M-G replied, "We learned about Hannah today and how she prayed for a bad baby and God gave her Samuel." We had her repeat this several times, trying to figure out how she could understand that SAMUEL was bad!! Finally we realized that the teacher telling the story must have said something like..."Hannah wanted a child really bad, so she prayed to God. God answered her prayer and gave her Samuel."
E is, quite often, our clever little clown. Over a year ago he figured out what Spiderman must sound like when he talks. E had never seen a show or a cartoon with that character and often wondered what he sounded like. One day, after playing a while in his room with his super heroes, he ran out to the living room and said, "I know how Spiderman talks!!!" He then proceeded to shut his lips together really tight and tell me "mmrr brm mmm bmbm fmmmprmfrgm." I asked him to repeat what he said.
Then, I asked him to repeat it again...
...and again.
"Sorry, buddy." I said. "I can't understand you...you'll have to open your---ooooooh!!!!"
Yes...Spiderman mumbles!!! Did you know that? He mumbles!!! His mask won't let him move his mouth very well.
There is probably no need to tell you, bu-u-u-u-t...we think E is a genius!!! :)
And just today, our D-D cracked me up. I had finished giving Z his first half of his lunch (milk) and was burping him before he got his second half (more milk) when he filled his diaper. Actually, he OVER filled it and a little got on the back of his clothes. "Uh-oh daisies!!!" said D-D. "What did Z do? He went splat, right? Did bebby Z go splat? Right, mommy?" Then she began singing, "Splat, splat!! Z went splat! Yes, Z went splat." I find that I like that terminology better than saying the baby had an explosion. :)
D-D also loves to flush the toilet. She will stand in the bathroom and giggle and laugh while watching the water go round and round. While the water is flushing she will yell, "Ring around the Rosy...Ring around the Rosy...oooooh!!! All fall down!!! Right, mommy? look!!! It's all fall downing!!!"
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